Our customers: Fire and police

Emergency service providers and organisations use Delib tools to get input from the public, stakeholders and staff, online. These platforms make their consultation and engagement processes more efficient, effective and wide-reaching, building trust and increasing interaction.

Organisations like these have used Delib platforms because they're the most robust, user-friendly and accessible way to run and manage their consultation activity.

Fire services and agencies

Scottish Fire and Rescue Services: draft strategic plan

When Scottish Fire and Rescue Services were mapping out their Strategic Plan for 2016-19, they wanted to hear from stakeholders and the public about the proposed outcomes, priorities and objectives. They used Citizen Space to invite comments on the plan online. Based on the feedback received, they made changes to the draft plan, in particular providing further clarification or emphasis where requested.

Other fire and rescue issues using our tools include:

  • Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, UK, Have your say
  • Proposed changes to fire cover in the Spelthorne area, Surrey County Council, UK
  • West Midlands Fire Service Consultation, Birmingham City Council, UK
  • Dublin Fire Brigade - Fire and Emergency Operations Plan Public Consultation
  • Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service Integrated Risk Management Plan
  • Help the Fire and Rescue Service stay ‘Safer in our Hands’, West Sussex County Council, UK

I would encourage people to take advantage of this opportunity to be part of the decision-making process and to let their views and ideas for the future be made known.

Minister for Community Safety, The Scottish Government

Police Service of Northern Ireland

Public policing priorities

The Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Policing Board wanted to hear from the community and key stakeholders on the future of local policing in Northern Ireland. They used a Policing Priorities Simulator to put citizens in the driving seat, experiencing first-hand the difficult choices about where resources should go and what areas of policing are prioritised.

With your input, we will enhance local policing to focus on what matters to you and your community. We need your views on the future of local policing in Northern Ireland – our future, your views.

Chair, Northern Ireland Policing Board

Police Scotland

Citizen-focused policing engagement

Police Scotland use Citizen Space as their public and internal consultation platform. The team build education on consultation best practice and accessibility into the onboarding process, making sure that Police Scotland's consultation activity is fully citizen-focused. Since switching over, they've seen a huge increase in engagement and response rates.

Other police and safety issues using our tools include:

  • Consultation on enhanced oversight of biometric data for justice and community safety purposes, Scottish Government
  • Violence Against Women and Girls, London Borough of Hounslow, UK
  • Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation, Reading Borough Council, UK
  • Annual Police Plan Survey, Scottish Police Authority
  • Help us to review our Enforcement Policy, Norfolk County Council, UK
  • Proposals to contract certain police functions, Isle of Man Government, UK
  • Police & Crime Plan 2017/21, East Sussex County Council, UK

There has been an increase in response rate to our public consultations by about 500% since switching to Citizen Space.

Insight & Engagement Lead, Police Scotland

People choose our platforms to save them time and money, and to boost their engagement.

Get a free demo to find out how you could do the same. We'll walk you through the software in action and answer all your questions.

Delib demos are done over the phone with screen sharing software.

We're happy to present to as many people as you can get on a conference call.

We'll answer your questions and offer any advice we can on your project.

There is, of course, no obligation to buy Delib tools after having a demo, and we won't share your contact details with anyone else.